How To Make Twitter Work For B2B Marketing

Using Twitter for B2B marketing is often undervalued as a tool for generating new leads, creating exposure for your brand and retaining customers. Below are some tips for you to improve your process and make better use of one of the biggest and most creative social media channels available.

1. Better Understanding of Audience

Getting customer insights is important for B2B marketing. What customers want, what they discuss, and what makes them attracted to a business can be learned through Twitter. For this, Twitter Analytics can also be of great help. You will get useful insights about timing of post, days of sharing content and other third party tools for B2B marketing.

2. Increase Brand Awareness

Twitter can be used in an effective way to increase brand awareness through informative and valuable content, videos, visuals and other forms of content. It also helps increase the audience size as well as boost customer loyalty. It can be used this way only when you understand your audience in a better way.

3. Promote Your Services

Getting in front of the right people on Twitter is extremely easy. There is a huge potential of informative and engaging content on social platforms including Twitter. What you need to remember is to avoid spammy content, not share misleading stories. And it should not be too much promotional either.

4. Support Content Marketing

Like any other social media platform, Twitter is a potential source to share content, increase customer base and drive more traffic to your website. With quality content, you can ensure better presence on Twitter. Over time, you will also learn how to come up with better content ideas.

5. Drive Traffic to the Site

Social media including Twitter host millions of users on a daily basis. The huge traffic can be driven to the business websites through effective B2B marketing. It includes promotions, visual content, infographics, interesting information, announcements and special offers. You can use tracking visitor tools like Lead Forensics or Google analytics to identify website visitors.

6. Use Visuals with Images and Videos

Use of visual content has proved way more effective than blog posts or written content. Users on social sites are more attracted to visuals, images, and videos. These types of content can boost your marketing as well as provide you with new potential customers.

7. Join the Conversations

Experts recommend that on Twitter, brands should respond to customer questions. The issues should be resolved for better customer engagement. Furthermore, through official accounts, brands should join the relevant conversations or threads taking place regarding their products or services.

8. Connect with Industry Leaders

Twitter is one of the best social sites with mature, professional and sensible audience. Most of the people are adults. Professionals, influencers, marketers from all industries have Twitter presence so a B2B business can use this site as a source to connect with the industry leaders and influencers.

9. Build Trust by Sharing

Sharing content is not just about your own content. You can also start threads by sharing studies, reports and stories relevant to your niche from other sources. This habit shows you are committed to quality content and raising awareness among the users.

10. Make Your Data Easy for Mobile

When a user from Twitter accesses your website or a blog post, it must be clearly visible. In other words, you should make your site mobile-friendly so that Twitter traffic is not disappointed and lose trust in your brand.

Best Usage of the best Mobile Phones for You


The mobile phone has become a real Swiss army knife! Previously reserved for phone calls and sending SMS, you can now do many more things with your smartphone: surf the Internet, take photos and videos, use it as GPS, listen to music and many more uses through multiple downloadable applications.

Smartphones are therefore more and more multipurpose and meet a large number of our needs. However, in front of the multitude of smartphones, the choice turns out to be much more complex than one could imagine. So, to be able to choose the ideal mobile phone, you have to ask the right questions and find out what you really need. This little guide will allow you to see more clearly and know the most important criteria to take into account to choose yourEnet Mobile Phones.

What use for your mobile phone?

The ideal mobile, yes it exists but just like the tastes and colors, this is a question of needs. All people do not have the same uses of a mobile phone and therefore do not have the same needs. It is therefore necessary to define yours to find the smartphone that will match you 100%!

In the age of the smartphone, classic phones seem overwhelmed. You can say goodbye to your good Nokia 3310 and say hello to new technological jewels like the Apple iPhone. What you absolutely need to know is if you need a phone only to make calls and send SMS, or if you need a phone also to surf the Internet to check your emails, websites or download apps for your mobile.

If for you a phone only serves to phone, then yes a classic mobile will be more than enough for you. But beware, you can always opt for a smartphone without using the features that require an Internet connection.

If for you, a phone is also there for you to surf the web , take pictures and videos, play , interact with your friends via social networks, share all kinds of information with your loved ones or your co-workers  so do not ask yourself more questions: smartphones are for you !

Whatever your use, we invite you to use our phone comparator to find the one that best suits your needs.

Smartphones are therefore the most popular mobile consumers. A vast majority of you choose them for their multiple features. However, there are various operating systems like Apple’s iOS or Google’s Android. So let’s go to the next step to determine which of these systems to choose.

Which application system for your smartphone?

Choosing the ideal smartphone
goes through making a choice of an operating system. There are 4 main operating
systems such as Apple iOS, Google Android, Microsoft Windows Phone and
BlackBerry OS. The difference lies in the ergonomics, the user experience, the
features or the number of applications available for download.